Hey there, this is One-Eyed Zeke from Lake Tahoe
Howdy to all of my furry friends out there. It’s been a warm summer in Northern Nevada and I’m looking forward to the fall rains. I don’t know about you, but the ash from them fires is irritating my eyes something fierce! I'm tired of hiding from those smoke jumpers, but I am grateful of the job they are doing. I’ve come across more than a few crispy critters after the fires passed by. Sure, it’s an easy meal, but I don’t understand the fascination with cooked meat. I prefer my meals au natural.
Rosie, Three-Claws, Sharp Fang, Hot-Head, Beryl, and Apple all say hello. The gang has spent the summer scouting out prime recreational areas; I’ll get to those in a bit. First, some business...
I’m sorry to report to Brownfish was killed by the humans after being caught in one of their dens. Rosie saw the tragic end from the safety of the forest. She told me Brownfish never had a chance.
With the long heat of summer almost over, I encourage everyone to have a good time. I also urge caution. Stay away from the humans. They are dangerous. How many of our people have had run-ins with them, been hit with the sharp sticks and ended up in new lands? I was a victim of such treatment as a young bear, only two seasons from my mother. I smelled some delightful food and walked in the small den, where I was trapped. The next day, an alpha human struck me with a sharp stick. When I woke up, I had a nagging thing in my ear (that took two seasons to get rid of). The human opened the den. I jumped out, only too eager to get away, but I didn’t know the land. That human didn't give me a chance to get my bearing s (sorry). He set a dog on me. The wolf’s cousin kept barking and nipping at me until I ran far away in to the forest.
Took me a while to get back home.
Don’t let that happen to you!
Again, avoid humans. They don’t like us. They may look weak, but appearances can be deceptive. Humans carry small rocks that spray skunk smell which stings. If they carry sting sticks, beware. The sticks can either make you sleep or kill you. If they have their young, they will growl and call the alphas.
If you want to go for a swim, do so at night when they sleep. Leave the human’s animals alone. You can mark their land. Let them know you are there as long as you don’t hurt any animals or claw any of their dens; just remember if you do, they may watch for you or set a special den out.
When Humans put the rocks on their faces, there is no danger. Be proud and show them you are a real bear. Stand up, wave your paws and say ‘hello’ to them.
Leave the human’s dogs and cats alone, except for those rats they carry around in bags or in their arms. I don’t know where they found a rat that sounds like a dog, but those little things annoy me. I’d eat it if I could.
Here are some simple ‘Human Awareness Rules’ to remember while enjoying a day out.
· Humans are dangerous creatures and very unpredictable.
· Never feed a human, they insist on burning their food before eating, which is a wildfire hazard.
· Humans occasionally steal cubs, so pay close attention to your cubs.
· If you want to look in human food cache containers, be aware of the alpha males & females. These protectors will attack in defense of the food and dens, and kill if other humans are threatened.
· If you think you’re in danger, climb the nearest tree and stay there until its safe.
· Never enter the special dens with food.
· Leave the human cache boxes alone. They get very upset when you eat their food.
· If you’re out having a good time and you come across a human, turn around and go another direction. It’s just smarter.
· Remember, you can outrun a human, but you can’t outrun a stinger from a sting stick.
The Incline area has been getting more crowded, but Rosie and her two cubs report the large cache boxes have been stocked full lately. Rosie doesn’t speak for all of us in this matter, by the way. We recommend you stay away from the boxes. The large water at Tahoe is full of humans right now, all wanting to play on their floating trees. Beryl says the fishing at night has been very good. Three-Claws reports some decent berries up top of the mountains. Sharp-Fang and Apple tell of a large amount of humans in the Pine Nuts. Remember last year there were a lot of humans with sting sticks about this time. Be careful, friends. Finally, Hot-Head says he has been chasing off more lions poaching in his land. He thinks the long summer has brought them down lower this year.
Watch out for the loud machines when crossing the roads and stay safe out there!
***for those humans reading this, here are guidelines for what to do if you encounter a bear while enjoying the wilderness (per Nevada Dept. of Wildlife website)***
Nevada bear hotline 775-688-BEAR (or 775-688-2327) to report bear encounters or sightings on your property in NEVADA
Although black bears rarely attack, they are very powerful animals and are capable of injuring or killing humans. No fatal bear attacks have been reported in Nevada. The steps below may be helpful if you encounter a bear
· Give a bear plenty of room to pass, and it usually will.
· If a bear approaches you - Don’t run!
You should back away slowly, facing the bear and keeping it in sight. Don't look directly into a bear's eyes.
You should back away slowly, facing the bear and keeping it in sight. Don't look directly into a bear's eyes.
· Make yourself look bigger by waving your arms and yelling.
· Make noise and show the bear it is unwelcome.
· Pick up children or put them on your shoulders.
· Remember, you can’t outrun a black bear! They are extremely fast running uphill, downhill, up a tree, or any other direction they decide to go.
· Warning signs of an attack include:
a steady glare; ears laid back; smacking of the jaws and stomping of the front feet.
a steady glare; ears laid back; smacking of the jaws and stomping of the front feet.
· If the bear attacks, fight back with anything available. Throwing rocks or hitting a bear with large sticks has been effective in some cases.
· Carry bear pepper spray and know how to use it.
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