Who can forget the dramatic scene in “The Kingdom of
Heaven” when King Guy of Lusignan rallying the Templar Knights to attack Salah
ed-Din Yusef (Saladin)? In Ridley Scott’s film, the King was aided by the Templar
Knights. It made for a nice Hollywood moment.
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Krak de Chevaliers |
One can’t speak of the Crusades without discussing the
military societies prominent during the times. There were many groups of men
banded together for the Holy cause but the three we are most familiar with are
the Knight of the Order of the Temple, the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of
Jerusalem, and the Teutonic Order. Each organization had its own agenda.
The Teutonic Order of Knights was based out of
Germany. The Teutonic Knights showed up
in Outremer full of enthusiasm led by Grand Master Henry de Walpot. The men had
dreams of leading the Crusade but ended up confusing the mix. Germans had taken
up the pilgrimage along with men from all over Europe. As with the Hospitallers,
the Teutonic Knights focused on providing medical aid to those on need but were
more than happy to wield a sword against the Arabic forces. After Saladin
regained control of the Holy City, he allowed the Teutonic Knights to stay
providing they continue the healing duties of their Order. One of their more
well-known benefactors was Frederick of Swabia. He gave money that the Knights
would keep on taking care of the sick & wounded. Henry VI gave the men a
home in Palermo, Sicily. The Knights did get caught up in Pope Clement V’s
inquisition but were saved when Gerard, the Count of Holstein came to their aid
and helped to get the charges dismissed. Moving to Europe, the Teutonic Knights
existed until 1809 aiding in battles, when Napoleon formally dissolved the
The Hospitallers were founded with the purpose of healing
around 1080 led by Gerard. The group originally began as a charitable hospital
but eventually became a paramilitary order. They were supervised by Benedictine
monks and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Once Gerard passed away in 1120,
the Order shook off its overseers and was therefore an independent group. The
Hospitallers did branch out setting up hospitals in Europe. Members, male and
female, were recruited from the nobility until after the thirteenth century,
when the wealthy from any class were welcomed.
The qualifications were simple: be a free man, healthy, legitimate,
debt-free, and spiritually-clean. Young boys could join as Novitiates. In 1292
this changed due to financial problems. Once Acre fell, only the Grand Commander
out of Spain could accept new members.
One of the most famous Hospitallers buildings is the castle, Krak des Chevaliers.
Once they were ousted from Jerusalem,
the Knights moved to Cypress then to Rhodes where the group still exists to
this day.
The Templar Knights have their origins in 1119 after Pope
Urban II called for the first crusade. A small band of knights in Jerusalem under
the leadership of Hugues de Payens the Count of Champagne, establish an order
devoted to the protection of pilgrims and sacred places in the Holy Lands.
Hugues companions were Geoffrey de St. Omer, Payen de Montdidier, Archambaud de
St. Agnan, Andre de Montbard, Geoffrey Bissal, Rossal, and Gondameer. They took
up residence in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. King Baldwin II (r. 1118-1131) granted the order
the Temple of Solomon as a home base. Unlike the Teutonic & Hospitallers, the
Templars were a religious order under the ultimate jurisdiction of the Catholic
Church. Women were allowed to join as Sisters, but they had no active role in
fighting – serving a supportive role.
All three of the Orders were respected for their devotion
to duty. They all set up Houses through-out the Middle East and in Europe. The
Templars established the world’s first banking system. Many of the facilities
outside of the Holy Lands served to supply the Orders with food, clothing,
horses, and recruits. On the 4th of July, 1187 the Battle at the Horns of the
Hattin resulted in a large number of Christian Knights led by the Templars
killed by Saladin’s army. Why King Guy decided to move ahead to an area with no
water in the heat of the summer was anyone’s guess. Saladin ransomed the
knights of noble birth, executed Reynard de Chatillon along with any Templars
& Hospitallers knights. Some Crusaders not worthy of ransom were either
sold to slavery or killed.
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Battle at the Horns of the Hattin |
The Templars will ever be associated with a mysterious
treasure and the Holy Grail. The Order of the Temple came to a terrible end when
on 13th day of October, 1307 King Phillip IV of France ordered the arrest of
every Templar Knight on trumped up charges – all told up to 5000 men. The Grand
Master, Jacques de Molay wasn’t spared the Inquisitors. After suffering through
torture, Jacques was burned at the stake. Jacques foretold the death of King Phillip
and Pope Clement V, the co-conspirators. It was said that some of the knights
managed to escape with the splendid booty accumulated over two hundred
years. The remaining Templars fled, some
going to Scotland while others went to England. The organization still exists
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King Phillip IV of France |
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Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay at the stake |
For more information see:
In Search of the Knights Templar: A Guide to the Sites of
By Simon Brighton
2010 Metro Books
ISBN #978-1-4351-2094+5
The Crusades: History and Myth Revealed
By Michael Paine
2009 Fall River Press
ISBN# 978-1-4351-0820-2
The Knights Templar: Discovering the Myth and Reality of
a Legendary Brotherhood
By Susie Hodge
2013 Lorenz Books
Knight Templar 1120-1312
By Helen Nicholson
2004 Osprey Publishing
Knight Hospitallers (1) 1100-1306
By David Nicolle
2001 Osprey Publishing
Stay safe out there!
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