People are upset over the results of the election and are
marching in protect. Many of those on the streets didn’t vote or were too young
to vote. They are calling out names: fascist, socialist, racists but they can’t
define what the terms mean. The people are unable to explain what the actual
process of electing a leader to our country is or what the responsibilities of
our President are.
Why isn’t civics being taught?
Do these idiots really think they can go out are throw a
tantrum and magically, the election results will be reversed? Some of the marchers can't even say what they would do to change the situation. They have a right to speak their mind but don't have the right to be destructive. What did they expect? A do-over?
Our schools are to blame for failing to educate our
Let’s start with some definitions.
Democracy: a form of government in which people
choose leaders by voting and an organization or situation in which
everyone is treated equally and has equal rights
Socialism: a system of society
or group living in which there is no private property or a
system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and
controlled by the state
Fascism: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator
controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to
disagree with the government
Marxism: the political, economic, and social theories of Karl Marx including the
belief that the struggle between social classes is a major force in history and
that there should eventually be a society in which there are no classes
Communism: a way of organizing a society in which the
government owns the things that are used to make and transport products (such
as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) and there is no privately owned property
Anarchy: a situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a
country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws
Dictator: a person who rules a country with total authority and often in a cruel or
brutal way (think North Korea).
Read the above definitions. Which one sounds the best?
Socialism has never worked. Marxism and Fascism have failed. Communism is dying
where it still exists. Dictators rule by fear. Do we really want Anarchy?
Laws originate in the House of Representatives or Senate
and are sent to the President. He can approve or veto (deny). Vetoes bills
(laws) can be approved with majority votes by Congress (both Houses). The
President doesn’t write laws –
Congress does (although most Federal regulations are now authored by special
interest groups and then sponsored by Congressional Members). Our President can work with Congress to
get bills written and passed (i.e. the Affordable Care Act) but he can’t do
away with laws in place (Roe v. Wade – aka. abortion rights). He can’t do away
with Constitutional rights.
If we as the American People don’t like the process of
election, then we must change it. That means going through our Congressional Members
to change the 12th Amendment that set-up the
Electoral process. Going around and setting fires or destroying our fellow
neighbor’s homes and/or businesses is not the way to fix things.
A reporter asked one of the protesters why he was
marching and he actually said he was afraid President-Elect Trump would deport
him and his family back to Guam. Really? Free access is allowed between those
residing in American territories and American States, just like those living in
Washington D.C. can freely move from the Federal Capitol to surrounding states.
United States territories may petition for admission as states under the U.S. Constitution,
article IV. The current list of the U.S. territories is: American Samoa, Guam,
the Marshal Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Baker Island, Midway
Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Navassa
Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll, and the Wake Islands. Most of
the territories are uninhabited.
Our government has problems. We all agree on that; that
is why Trump won. Folks in general were fed up with the status quo in
Washington D.C. Politicians kept making tons of promises to get elected but
never followed through. The average person’s paycheck keeps shrinking. Trump’s
election is a major “Take this and shove it” to the system. It was estimated about half of the population voted. Where was the rest? Shame on those who decide not to participate and now wants to complain.
Here’s the reality: Trump can’t deport all the illegals in
the US. We need those undocumented workers. More realistically, there will be immigration reform that includes some path to citizenship. He can’t do away with a women’s
right to chose or take away the marriage act. Those choices would require
another lawsuit heard by the Supreme Court to change. He can reduce some of the
executive orders dealing with over-regulation and work with Congress to reduce
business taxes. That is a good thing. Companies paying less business taxes will
have more money to invest, expand, and hire employees (this is basic
So, whether you voted for Trump or not, at least give him
a chance. I didn’t vote for Obama and I didn’t care for his policies but I didn’t
run out and riot when he was elected (and re-elected). I had to accept the
results of the election.
Stay safe out there.
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