Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What is new in the store this month?

Too bad we (the store) was closed on May 4th (May the 4th Be With You) because we have a great selection of Star Wars collectibles offered for sale.

The gem is a 2015 Jackks Pacific Talking Battle Buddy "Darth Vader". Darth is 48 inches tall and is motion-activated. He carries a light saber, in red, that lights up!

We also have a Lucas Films Storm Trooper display head, a wind-up Darth Vader, a remote-control Luke Skywalker in a Speeder, and other miscellaneous offerings. In addition to the Wars, we have a set of KISS action figures, a 1964 antique GI Joe, and a 1965 antique GI Joe Army Footlocker (complete with accessories).

We love collecting toys and fun things. We usually have grab bags of play toys for reasonable prices. We always have vintage, classic children's books in stock.

Like unicorns? Come the Princeton Gallery porcelain unicorns with COAs. How about Britains or Marx vintage figures? We just acquired some new Carnival glass and silver plate pieces.

We are located at 151 N. Sierra Street, cross of Second, downtown Reno. COme in and browse. ASk for Sam and Diana's booth. Don't forget your mask!

Stay safe!

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